Printed: Sat May 18 20:45:47 2024 CET
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This is the change log entry of dvd::rip 0.50.14:

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   0.50.14 - [stable branch] - Sun 29 Jun 2003, joern
    - transcode >= 0.6.6 sets mpeg2enc -I 0 by default, but
      older versions doesn't. This speeds up things signifcantly,
      because now mpeg2enc skips deinterlace processing (it was
      done even for non-interlaced material and wasted time).
      dvd::rip now sets -I0, too. Thanks for the hint to
      Simone Lehmann
    - Warn about AVI files >2GB and set transcode option
      --avi_limit 9999, otherwise transcode splits automatically
      at 2GB.

    - NTSC A/V sync enhancement: dvd::rip's -x vob,null transcode
      option in the 1st pass of a multipass transcoding was 
      good for performance, but could be bad for A/V sync with
      some NTSC material, because the audio information is always
      needed for proper synchronisation. Thanks to Florin and
      Tilmann for figuring this out.
    - NTSC: -M2 isn't set anymore by dvd::rip, because transcode
      does autodetect this. Thanks to Tilmann for the hint.
    - Fixed a small mismatch (about 1%) in the audio size
      calculation, which affected video bitrate calculation.
      Thanks for the report to Charles François Rey
      <charlesfr.rey AT>.
    - Automatic setting of PERLIO=stdio failed, if PERLIO
      was already set to some value. Thanks for the report to
      Richard Kilgore <rkilgore AT>.
    - Progress bar was messed up with PSU core. Thanks for the
      report to Tyler <dvdrip AT> and Florin.
    - NTSC: resolution was set to 720x480, even if the movie
      had 704x480. dvd::rip now sets no resolution at all, because
      transcode autodetects the resolution. Thanks for the report to
      Francisco J. León <fleona AT>.