Printed: Sun May 19 09:35:33 2024 CET
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This is the change log entry of dvd::rip 0.97.1:

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   0.97.1 - [unstable branch] - Sat Jul 23 2005, joern
    - Extensive GUI redesign. dvd::rip now uses Gtk2 and
      Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory, so we have new dependencies

      The Perl Gtk2 binding should be part of every modern
      Linux distribution, e.g. Debian has a libgtk2-perl package.
      Otherwise grab it from CPAN (see URL below). I personally
      use version 1.082, but lower versions may work as well.

      Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory is rather new and not yet packaged
      for any Linux distro, at least I'm not aware of. Installation
      is straight forward (perl Makefile.PL && make test && make install).
      Version 0.56 is required.

      You can grab both Gtk2 and Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory from here:

    - A bunch of smaller features / changes, in particular making
      the GUI more comfortable. Too many to list them all, just
      poke around to find them ;)

    - This is an ALPHA release, so please use with care, but *please*
      use it and report any bugs to the dvdrip-users list.
    - The project file format didn't change significantly. Files
      from older dvd::rip versions will just work. Even opening
      files created with 0.97.1 should work in older versions.
      As usual you should make backups nevertheless.
    - The redesign is not yet fully completed. The cluster,
      transcode filter & preview and burning stuff is currently missing.
      Cluster stuff will be added soon, filter stuff a bit later
      and burning stuff probably never: depends on user feedback ;)
    - Only the German translation is complete, other languages
      will follow.
    - The online web documentation still covers the old Gtk1
      based version. This will change with the 0.98 stable release
      based on this 0.97 branch. Since the main functionality didn't
      change much this should be no problem at all.