$Id: Changes,v 1.4 2008/03/29 16:28:47 joern Exp $
Revision history for Perl extension X11::Aosd.
0.03 Sat Mar 29 2008 joern
- fixed Makefile.PL which crashed on missing ExtUtils::Depends
and/or ExtUtils::PkgConfig instead of reporting that these
modules are required
- cleaned up test planning in t/X11-Aosd.t
- minor documentation fixes
- removed unneeded aosd_destroy() binding
0.02 Sun Mar 16 2008 joern
- first public CPAN release
- binds all functions from aosd.h
- fully documented
- thanks to Thorsten Schönfeld for supporting me
with the details of Cairo/Glib/Perl binding stuff.
0.01 Sat Mar 15 2008 joern
- first internal skeleton release for discussion
on further implementation
- binds minimal stuff, in particular the
Cairo & Pango glue is missing for now